You may have watched aFacebook live clip ofyour favorite influencers atsome point inyour life onsocial media. But have you considered using Facebook Live tosell your products? It’s agreat way toconnect with potential customers, give them abehind-the-scenes look atyour business, andincrease sales intheprocess. Plus, you can make itafun andinteractive experience that they’re sure toremember!

Inthis blog post, we’ll introduce you tolive shopping onFacebook andexplain how tofeature products inyour live video. Let’s find out how tomake themost ofthis tool!

What IsLive Shopping?

Tounderstand what live stream shopping is, you need toknow what live streaming is. Live streaming iswhen avideo isbroadcasted inreal-time, without being recorded first.

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Live streaming ispopular because ofits interactive nature. Viewers can communicate directly with apresenter andother viewers via achatroom where they ask questions andshare their opinions.

Anexample ofalive clip onFacebook

Not only islive streaming used byinfluencers andgamers, but itisalso popular with experts that cốt truyện their knowledge online. Recently, online sellers joined this trend andstarted live stream shopping— using live videos toshare what they sell, how they make it, andthestories behind their brand.

In2020, thecoronavirus pandemic triggered anexponential rise inecommerce. Live shopping isamong themost prominent trends forpeople tobuy new products.

According toStatista, thepercentage ofpeople who made purchases through live streams increased byanaverage of76% worldwide from before toduring thecoronavirus pandemic. Europe had thehighest growth inlive stream purchases, with shoppers increasing by86%. The Middle East followed with 76%, while North America recorded ausage spike ofabout 68%.

Change inlive stream purchases from before toduring theCOVID-19pandemic in2021(Source: Statista)

Live shopping combines theinteractivity oflive streaming with thethrill ofonline shopping. It’s different from live streaming because it’s specifically commerce-driven. Using live shopping, you can feature your product onvideo while engaging with your audience during your streams.

Podcast: What IsLive Shopping andWhy DoYou Need IttoSell Online?

What IsFacebook Live Shopping?

Facebook Live isafree tool that allows anyone onFacebook tostream live clip from amobile ordesktop. Itisalso one ofthetop live stream shopping platforms intheUS.

Asabusiness owner, you can use Facebook Live toconnect with your customers while showcasing your products inalive video. You can show your items inreal-world scenarios, bring hàng hóa details front andcenter, anddirectly interact with your potential customers.

Facebook allows you totag products inyour live streams. Aproduct tag contains details andalink toyour website. Customers can even buy items right from your live stream! Imagine what itcan doforyour business iforganized properly, taking Facebook shopping toawhole new level.

Aproduct tagged inaFacebook live clip (Image: Facebook)

Benefits ofLive Shopping forOnline Sellers

There are many reasons why live shopping onFacebook isbecoming sopopular. Here are thetop benefits:

Itstimulates sales asitiseasy forcustomers topurchase theitems you showcase–links totheproducts are featured right inthelive videos. Itshows products inreal-world situations. Instead ofbrowsing your site tolearn more about your merchandise, your potential customers can watch you demonstrate benefits inreal-time. Ittakes customer service onsocial media toawhole new level. Your followers can easily chat with you during your live stream, which makes answering all oftheir questions about your products, shipping, payment, andbrand easier than ever. Ithelps build relationships with your audience because you’re not only selling your products, but you’re also providing real-time entertainment. Itcan beused forcollaborations with influencers. Co-host alive video with aninfluencer inyour niche toshare your expertise andpresent your brand toanew audience.

How toSet UpLive Shopping onFacebook

Now that you know thebenefits ofusing Facebook Live foryour business, here ishow tostart with it.

Before you run your first live shopping video, here’s what you need:

check that you’re theadmin ofyour Facebook page. Create aproduct playlist onFacebook. Itisacollection ofproducts you want tofeature during your live shopping video. Follow these steps tocreate aproduct playlist. Ensure that items you want tofeature are inyour catalog atleast three days before your live stream.

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Checked all thepoints above? It’s time forsome live shopping!

Here’s how tocreate alive shopping clip with tagged products from your Facebook page:

Onyour Facebook page, click “Live”. Turn the“Enable Live Shopping” toggle ontheLive Shopping tab. Under “Select aPlaylist”, click “Choose MyPlaylist” andclick “Save.” Enter atitle foryour đoạn clip under “Post.” Click “Go Live.” Click “Feature” under theproduct you want toshow your viewers. Ifyou want tofeature adifferent item, click “Stop featuring”, choose thenew product, andclick “Feature.” Click “End Live Video” when you’re done.

When you’re running alive shopping video onFacebook, you’ll see this dashboard. Use ittofeature different products inyour live stream:

Your viewers will beable toclick onanitem they like andsee hàng hóa details orbuy itright away:

Tips forLive Shopping onFacebook

Tomake sure both you andyour customers enjoy your live shopping events, keep inmind thefollowing advice.

Promote Your Live Shopping Events

Announce andpromote your live shopping videos acouple ofdays before theevent tospark interest andbuild anticipation with potential customers. Encourage viewers tofollow your Facebook business page sothey know when you golive.

Don’t hesitate touse other channels: announce your live shopping events inyour newsletter, inyour Instagram posts andstories, andother social media. Or, invite people toyour live streams inrelated Facebook groups.

Make aTest Run First

Want your first đoạn clip tobeasuccess? chạy thử your live đoạn clip beforehand! Change your privacy settings sothat only you andthepeople you choose can see your test live video. Chạy thử out your equipment andpay attention tocamera angles, volume, andbackground noise.

Keep Your Environment Organized

Whether you’re presenting live from home, work, oratanevent lượt thích aconference, keeping your surroundings tidy andorganized will help give your viewers agood impression ofyou andyour brand.

Ask Someone toHelp You

Having someone with you behind thecamera during your live stream can beagame-changer. They can assist you with products, comments, andmessages.

Ifyou don’t have alarge audience onFacebook, ask afriend orfamily member topose questions incomments tocreate more engagement andencourage other viewers tojoin thediscussion.

Actively Communicate with Viewers

Get your audience involved–that’s thepoint ofalive stream! Let viewers know they can make comments during thevideo orreach you through Facebook Messenger. Respond toviewers’ comments andreactions asthey happen.

Avoid Being Too Sales-y

Being too sales-focused andpushy might annoy your audience, soyou need towalk afine line. Common topics forlive shopping are recommendations fornew products totry, tips onhow tochoose theright item, discussion ofnew trends, orQ&A.

For example, let’s say you sell face masks. Instead ofdevoting thewhole live đoạn clip topitching your masks, tell your audience how tochoose thebest fitting andcomfortable one. Ofcourse, tag your products asexamples. You’ll see your Facebook live sales skyrocket!

Save Your Live Streams

Don’t let your hard work disappear! Instead ofdeleting your live videos, keep them onyour timeline toattract anew audience. People can also watch those videos again formore information about products, orfind theitems they were interested inbut didn’t buy right away.

Get Started with Live Shopping

Now you know everything you need tocreate your first live shopping đoạn phim onFacebook! Are you asexcited asweare?

Just remember that live shopping isall about building relationships with your customers. Focus onyour viewers’ needs first, andthesales will follow. With time, you’ll learn new tricks toincrease theengagement ofyour live streams andturn viewers into customers.

Have you already tried live shopping onFacebook orother platforms? Doyou want tolearn something else about live shopping? Don’t hesitate toshare your experience orask questions inthecomments below!