

Thus, divided government can serve the interests of moderate voters, particularly in periods when political parties advocate extreme policies.

Second, if a plan exists which is unambiguously in everyone's interest, then the individual players will not hesitate to choose their part of the plan.

The results, presenting both qualitative and quantitative analyses, provide interesting insights into the responses of the students to the experiment itself.

It was this early experience as a rice breeder which also led to an interest in seed dormancy.

Her main research interest lies in the philosophical analysis of bioethical concepts.

Her history of chemical theory refuses to isolate theory from the laboratory, the lecture hall, or the public and its philosophical interests.

For example, sometimes it will be in the interests of the effectiveness of the relationship that both parties make asset-specific investments.

With a background in philosophical logic and metaphysics, his current research interests focus on the theoretical basis of bioethical inquiry.

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