I’ve probably written this before on this very website, but whenever someone asks me what my favorite video clip game is, my mặc định answer is Half-Life 2. So any game that tries to lớn capture Half-Life 2’s excellent set of exploration, action, puzzle-solving, and emptiness has my attention. And if that trò chơi succeeds & also includes its own gravity gun, well, I’m over the moon about it. Lucky for me & other Half-Life fans, the newly released indie shooter Adaca is one of those games.

Bạn đang xem: New steam shooter is basically half


Released last week, Adaca is a first-person shooter that is a self-described throwback to lớn the late 1990s và early 2000s. This was the era of the “linear-but-not-stuck-in-hallways shooter.” Stuff like Half-Life 2, Halo, and Far Cry. The kind of shooters where you, yes, only have one path through each level và playspace, but the areas are larger than Doom’s hallways, are interesting to explore, and are often filled with environmental puzzles. & while Adaca is pulling from a lot of these shooters, it’s most similar of all to Half-Life 2, & not by accident.

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Within the first đôi mươi minutes of Adaca, you’re given a gravity gun-like arm and forced lớn fight space cops who emit a loud blast of static & electronic screeching when killed. And like Gordon Freeman, the main star of Valve’s Half-Life series, your main character never speaks on their long, unbroken journey from point A to lớn point B. If you’ve played Half-Life 2 or its subsequent episodes, all of this should sound pretty familiar. But if ain’t broke…


The single developer who made Adaca clearly understands what made Half-Life 2 và its contemporaries work. For example, an early section involves a train, a desolate bridge, and not much else but the sound of a distant crow. While limited, the cấp độ works, mainly because having khổng lồ time when to move forward and when to squeeze to lớn the side to lớn let the train fly by is made more intense by all the space cops shooting at you. Of course, just lượt thích in Half-Life 2, you can also grab a big box and use it lớn block some of the bullets. Or fling it at the bastard shooting at you, knocking him off the bridge entirely.