Bản dịch của enjoy – Từ điển tiếng Anh–Việt

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He enjoyed the meal.

to experience; to be in the habit of having (especially a benefit)

enjoy must be followed by an object: He enjoys reading / We enjoyed ourselves.

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Các ví dụ của enjoy


He is enjoying not just the film, but also the tea, the chatter, the coming and going of family and guests.

In fact, social expenditure enjoyed an increase in real terms, especially in social welfare and education.

The programmes have been planned with the objective of enjoying good science, good company and ample opportunity to explore the unique surroundings.

However, only five per cent of planters enjoyed the way of life described above.

Moreover, the reform enjoyed bipartisan support in most states.

What worries him is the causal relationship between high income levels, which the grinders enjoyed, and their increased access to leisure.

Married men, by contrast, lived orderly lives and enjoyed a happy existence because of their families' kindness and attention.

In contrast, prima donnas who married men connected with the arts often enjoyed long careers.

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Bản dịch của enjoy

trong tiếng Trung Quốc (Phồn thể)

樂趣, 享受…的樂趣, 喜愛…

trong tiếng Trung Quốc (Giản thể)

乐趣, 享受…的乐趣, 喜爱…

trong tiếng Tây Ban Nha

disfrutar de, gozar de, disfrutar…

trong tiếng Bồ Đào Nha

desfrutar de, gostar de, curtir…

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trong tiếng Ý

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